Violence in relationships is a disorienting and complicated experience, and one that is often difficult to recognize and accept.
Experiencing abuse in a relationship is commonly difficult to make sense of and due to the traumatic nature of the experience, victims often struggle to use this term when it comes to describing their own situation.
While the word abuse is often used in a singular and extreme context, the reality of abuse is that it is not defined by one behaviour, one specific incident, or strictly through physical harm.
Violence in relationships doesn’t alway leave visible scars, and often, it manifests in many forms. Victims of abuse take months, even years, to acknowledge that it has occurred because of the many areas of their lives that are controlled over time.
As we look at the different ways in which abuse can show up in relationships, it’s important for us to remember the root causes of abuse, and that is power and control.
The Power and Control Wheel, created by the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project in Duluth, MN, is a comprehensive diagram that shows the multiple ways in which abuse can be experienced in a relationship, along with the tactics through which power is achieved by the abuser.
The abuser often seeks to establish a dynamic through which he or she can be in a position of dominance over the other person, to be able to dictate the victim’s sense of worth, choose their social circles, dictate their decision-making, and more importantly, to control how the relationship should function.
Victims of abuse often end up in these dynamics unknowingly because of how subtly power and control are gained in a relationship. The abuser paints their intentions and behaviours as protective, caring and assertive, and as a result operates in a manipulative way
that can lead the victim to become powerless over time. Let’s look at some examples together:
(If you find reading this activating, please make sure you take time to breathe or take a break if you need to as you read this and come back to the article)
While abuse can be one, many or all of the above, it often becomes apparent after many years, at a time where the victim may be unable to seek help or financially support themselves.
Given how little education on abuse has existed, victims often believe that their own experiences don’t fit the description and dismiss their suffering as a result.
They may assume that they are being treated well because they are not being physically harmed, or because they have been hurt only a few times without being injured critically.
Many victims will also dismiss instances of abuse, violence, gaslighting or intimidation, believing that they are consequences to their own actions or that they are rare, unusual outbursts from their partner.
It is important to seek support and community care from family, friends and professional organizations, since understanding violence in a relationship requires compassion and safety.
Victims also hesitate to report abuse, to leave abusive partners or to seek separation. Starting a new life or leaving their situation is an overwhelming transition that seems more challenging and complicated than their current situation.
Many victims will also be lured back into their relationships through apologies, gifts and false promises, as the abuser often realises that their position of power is compromised without their partner. You could be interested in learning about the cycle of abuse.
It can take multiple attempts, and many years, to leave the situation before it is done once and for all.
Here are some ways to understand abuse and seek support:
Please remember that you are neither responsible nor deserving of your partner’s disrespect or abuse, you deserve a loving, nurturing and respectful relationship where your safety and peace are prioritized.
Practice compassion with yourself when shame, a very normal trauma response, comes up. You deserve to find a safe space and partner that cares for you, honours you and protects you.
***If you suspect that you are experiencing abuse in your relationship, below is a list of resources to get started***
Provincial and territorial resources on gender-based violence