Rest is a long-term investment in your well-being. Yet, we often treat it like an afterthought- and through no fault of our own!
It takes courage to rest in a capitalist system. This is especially true for children of immigrants, who may learn to associate self-worth with how well we survive a system that devalues our wellbeing.
So, how do we get our power back?
The first step is to revolutionize and expand your understanding of rest. Rest is an expansive, nuanced practice. It fits any lifestyle and goes far beyond sleep alone.
This piece is dedicated to the deep and restorative experience of rest outside of sleep. I invite you to make room for rest and claim your right to truly recharge and prioritize your wellbeing!
Let’s get right into it.
Many of us associate rest with sleep, and this is not entirely wrong! Lack of restorative rest can often manifest as physical tiredness. Have you ever had what you felt was an optimal level of sleep and still woke up exhausted, unrested, irritable, and overall not at your best?
This is because there is a difference between sleep and rest!
Sleep is a PASSIVE form of rest our bodies engage in involuntarily.
Rest, on the other hand, is something that RESTORES you and replenishes energy. Rest is an ACTIVE process.
Here is something we don't talk about often enough: restorative, active rest is just as important as passive sleep. We need restoration as much as we need sleep.
Many of us turn to rest as a way to address burnout.
What if we introduce rest not as a last resort, but as an integral part of each day?
Try reflecting on how you can incorporate moments of rest into your day. Making time and space for restorative practices every day prevents us from hitting the bottom of the well, so to speak.
Also remember that rest is in and of itself, a worthwhile pursuit. You and I were not meant to work until we burn out and then work again until the cycle repeats. Our whole selves- physical, mental, emotional, spiritual- have needs that often we only become aware of in the resting seasons of our life
Rest is not only restorative but healing. It also comes in many forms and can involve both pausing activities or engaging in a number of activities that can nourish us.
There are many ways to access rest. Let's explore each one a little further.
Physical rest recharges and repairs the body. Moreover, sleep is not the only source of physical rest...I invite you to consider sleep as the byproduct of rest. We actually need active forms of rest to help us not only restore ourselves and energy but find sweetness and rejuvenation in sleep! If you have ever experienced a deep, restorative sleep after a good workout, you know this to be true :)
Physical rest can involve both physical activity and reducing physical activity. Here are a few examples of physical rest:
Have you thought about how social activities can support your nervous system? Our social energy has a reservoir as well. Social rest can look like connecting with people who ground us and replenish our energy. It can also look like spending time alone or limiting time with others to connect with ourselves again.
Here are a few examples of social rest:
Prioritizing creative rest can be lead you to seek inspiration or take a break from creating and thinking to divert time and energy to different things. We use creativity lot more than we think. For example, you use creativity when you brainstorm solutions at work, put together plans for a bachelorette party, figuring out a budget friendly trip, meal planning for the week!
Here are a few examples of creative rest:
When we make room for emotional rest, we may wish to talk about our feelings with a willing and compassionate listener or seek spaces and people that feel emotionally safe. Here are a few examples of emotional rest:
Our minds need ample rest as well! Mental rest gives us a break from concentrating and mentally processing information.
Here are a few examples of mental rest:
This type of rest helps align us with what gives us both purpose and meaning in life. Spiritual rest can anchor us in a world that can often feel chaotic and unpredictable. This is especially true of the current times we live in- it can be easy to fall into a hole of existential dread :(
If you find yourself feeling afloat, alone, or hopeless - it's very likely that you are in need of some serious spiritual rest. Keep in mind that spiritual rest looks different for everyone! Anything that helps you connect with a greater sense of purpose, your deep inner self, or brings you a sense of peace and grounding is spiritually restorative.
Here are a few examples of spiritual rest:
Sensory rest provides us with a break from technology, light, noise, or people. If you have ever experienced 'sensory overload' you may have an appreciation for why this type of rest is so very important!
Here is an interesting reflection for those of us new to the concept of sensory rest: The beauty of our experiences lie in our nervous system's ability to sense the world around us! We are so immersed in sensing the world, that we sadly overlook the need for resting our senses.
Sensory rest can involve creating space for quietness, dim light, and low stimulation. Here are a few examples of sensory rest:
Our bodies and minds are remarkable. They regularly give us information and insight into our needs, including our need for restorative rest.
Let's go through each type of rest and explore the signs that you may need to give some care and attention to this area.
Rest can be uneasy for many of us. As mentioned above, the capitalist society we live in does not value rest. By showing your nervous system that rest is a priority, that rest becomes revolutionary.
We want to hear from you: What are your favourite or much-needed forms of rest?
Until next time!