Like most people in the world, I spend TOO MANY waking hours on Instagram. Should we have healthy boundaries around our social media consumption? Why, yes. However, I also believe in increasing the quality of our consumption!
Let's take a break right now and immerse ourselves in the calm, inviting, and soothing corner of Instagram. Where good things happen. Look, there's soothing lo-fi hiphop! And a fireplace! Here, we feel whimsical and in love with life.
Welcome :)
Is there anything more soothing than the quiet solitude of a snowy evening? Now, what if you're watching freshly falling snow decorate a forest of evergreens? This video captures that lovely feeling of being inside a snow globe ❄️
I love a time lapse! This one captures the smokey white tendrils of the Milky Way, shooting stars, and low fog tumbling over the mountains. Sigh.
Watching the snow fall with a cup of tea ☕️ This embodies the very essence of #slowliving. I can feel my body settle while watching this video.
Whales are the most majestic, awe-inspiring creatures. These videos took my breath away. The sheer size! The playfulness 🥺🥺🥺 To think, we share the world with these beautiful beasts.
Sometimes, what soothes us the most is things lining up perfectly, or fitting exactly how they are supposed to. Ever peeled an orange perfectly in one go and felt extremely accomplished? You might appreciate this then.
There is something so peaceful about tending to our plants. Somehow, they make us feel like we are not alone. During this pandemic, if plants have been your constant companion, you may understand the sense of peace and vitality they bring to our lives.
I love watching things being made. And nothing is more soothing than the process of turning clay into beautiful vessels, like this thumb cup! So. Satisfying.
Watercolours are the most forgiving of paints (in my not-an-artist opinion). When they blend, they take on a wash of the colours around them. Even mistakes have a soothing, deliberate quality.
There are so many incredible filmmakers and storytellers on social media. This particular storyteller captures my heart and leaves a lump in my throat with almost every one of her pieces. There is an exhale between every moment of her work. See for yourself :)
It's so hard to pick one, so here is two 💛
Jupiter and Saturn are closer to each other than they been in the past 1800 years. I like to think of them chasing each other in the sky- and on December 21st (the winter solstice and the longest night of the year) they will almost catch each other.
This will never get old 💛
Is there anything lovelier? Tea lovers rejoice! Take the time to make a luxurious cup of the stuff today
Watch the cloud of froth dip up and down with the spoon, yet still hug the lip of the glass
Do you find latte art mesmerizing? I love watching talented baristas make the tiniest details with a splash of milk. It truly is an art!
This is so mesmerizing, I love how it comes together! And the quiet tranquility of the music is just ahhhh 💛
I'm so glad that letter writing is making a comeback
I believe there are few things as universally calming as watching ocean waves lazily kiss the shore
Earlier in the pandemic, many of us caught a glimpse of what it looked like to slow down. I loved seeing this. It made it feel like I knew the people around me a little better. Their day-to-day minutiae was no longer insignificant. It was meaningful, and for many, it was everything.
Rain turns the mundane into the miraculous. I feel the most whimsical and nostalgic on rainy days
Let this be your proof
The loopy, swishing beauty of calligraphy never fails to leave me in awe. I love the sound of the pen scraping the paper in this video!
Okay I couldn't choose! Here is some gold calligraphy, equally soothing!
I hope that going on this little virtual journey with me helped make your day a little easier! Remember, there is so much wonder in this world. We may only be able to stand at the window and admire it for now, but it is out there.
I want to hear from you: Send us (@wellnesttherapy) your favourite soothing or pick-me-up video when you are feeling down or just need a break!
Until next time!